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Home / News & Financial Education / Boston Children’s Hospital Miles for Miracles Team 2017
Boston Children’s Hospital Miles for Miracles Team 2017 on 4/20/2017

Boston Children’s Hospital Miles for Miracles Team 2017

I want to thank you all so very much for your support these last few months.

I hope you know how much I appreciate every “How’s it going?”, “How far this weekend?”, “ You’ve got this!”, and every “Good luck!” followed by “How was it?” and “How are you feeling?”!!

It is an awesome and overwhelming feeling at times to realize that this run is so much bigger than the people out on the course each week.

When Patriot’s Day finally rolls around (and it comes on so quickly!), and we are finally getting out there and showing our support for the charities we have raised money for, it is truly an amazing experience.

The morning of the marathon was no different as far as runners sharing their reason “why” they were running for Children’s.

The stories can be both heartbreaking at times when the patient loses their battle, and uplifting when they win. Either way, Children’s played an unforgettable part in their life and there is so much gratitude for the teams of doctors and nurses that care for the patients within the walls of Children’s Hospital. We run because of and for others. The journey of a charity runner is never something that you do alone. It takes whole communities such as all of you here at the credit union, family, friends, the volunteers along the course each week working the water stops, the coaches, your teammates reminding you by sharing their “whys” and encouraging you to put one foot in front of the other, and believe it or not random strangers that beep as you run by yelling “GO CHILDREN’S.” It’s a feeling like no other to be a part of something so much bigger than yourself.

A story one of my teammates shared after he finished the marathon on Monday was that he was running somewhere around mile 13-15 and felt a tap on his shoulder followed by a question, “How do you know CJ?”. Most runners who are paired with a patient partner have a picture of their partner on their singlet with the patients name and that is how she knew JR was running for CJ. JR, my teammate, is running in memory of a patient at Children’s who died of a brain cancer at age 16 I believe. CJ’s parents are heavily involved in the CU Kids at Heart team and his mother is a doctor at Children’s.

What happened next on the course as they were running was that JR told his story about why he was running for CJ and the young girl then told JR that she was diagnosed with a brain tumor the day after CJ. Hers was noncancerous unlike CJ’s . She told JR all about the support that CJ’s parents, the Buckley’s, gave her while she and CJ were in the hospital together. JR and Chrissy, the young woman, stopped for a picture together and JR was once again reminded why he was running for BCH. It is indeed a small world, and stories like this that give meaning to all of this fundraising we do. It makes such a difference in so many lives. Here is Chrissy healthy and strong running the Boston Marathon after having a brain tumor removed as a young girl, unbelievable!!

I do appreciate each of you and the support you give and I am grateful to be given this opportunity again to get out there and be a part of the CU Kids @ Heart team and Miles for Miracles. Credit Unions Kids at Heart raised $420000 for Children’s Hospital and Miles For Miracles raised 2.1 million dollars and counting!!!

The pictures are from some super moments during the run! I was fortunate enough to have people along the course in 10 different spots! I stopped and got hugs of inspiration from each one and it carries you through more than you can imagine! The pictures are Allora and Collin, Nikki’s children and as you know, Collin is my patient partner, Kelly and Dale at about mile 19 and then making the final stretch up Hereford!!!

3 women and 2 children smiling next to a road race

Thank you all so very much!!!

Carrie Fitzgerald
Branch Manager Plaistow
Merrimack Valley Credit Union

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