Merrimack Valley CU
Auto & Personal Credit Card Mortgage & Home Equity Undergraduate, Graduate, & Refi Commercial Loans & Lines

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MVCU, scholarship, awards, recipient

College is expensive, and every little bit helps me and my family.

MVCU, scholarship, awards, recipient

College is expensive, and every little bit helps me and my family.



2025 MVCU Scholarship Awards

Merrimack Valley Credit Union is awarding the following scholarships in 2025: 

Who is eligible? 

When is the deadline?


Application Procedure & Checklist

Complete the online application in its entirety. Only online applications will be accepted. 

Please collect the following before starting your application:

What to do if the person writing your recommendation wants to submit it directly to MVCU:

2025 Scholarship Application 

* Required Fields

In 500 words or less, please write an essay that answers this question: Tell us what leadership means to you. Describe a time when you demonstrated leadership, and what lessons you learned from that experience.
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